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Your support can keep us around another year

Please don’t hesitate. We can’t do it without you!

If you visit and enjoy Seasoned Times, please give what you can. Any amount is truly appreciated. We wouldn’t exist without the support of friends like you.

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Joy is Contagious Coloring Book

For our supporters only!

If you’d like to receive our “Joy is Contagious Coloring Book” as a thank you for your donation of any amount, use the button below. The coloring book is filled with quotes about joy and lots of fun designs to color. (All pages are printable on standard paper.)

You choose the amount you give. Powered by PayPal, trusted online payment system.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: You will automatically be redirected to the pdf file of Joy is Contagious once your donation is complete. It may take a few moments.

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Fun & Games III

For our supporters only!

If you’d like to receive our “Fun & Games III” book as a thank you for your donation of any amount, use the button below. You’ll enjoy lots of challenges from crosswords and word searches to matching games and brainteasers. (All pages are printable on standard paper.)

You choose the amount you give. Powered by PayPal, trusted online payment system.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: You will automatically be redirected to the pdf file of FUN & GAMES III once your donation is complete. It may take a few moments.

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Mature Media Award Winner

If you’d like to receive our positive aging guide “We’re Only As Old As We Feel” as a thank you for your donation of any amount, use the button below. You’ll find tips on making the most of getting older. (All pages of the book are printable on standard paper.)

You choose the amount you give. Powered by PayPal, trusted online payment system.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: You will automatically be redirected to the pdf file of WE’RE ONLY AS OLD AS WE FEEL once your donation is complete. It may take a few moments.

thank you

With your support, you’ll know you’re helping Seasoned Times provide high quality content and creatively crafted materials that encourage positive aging. Seasoned Times would not exist without the support of our Seasoned Times family of friends and visitors.