Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Yard
Hummingbirds are amazing and delightful little creatures. They’re beautiful and fascinating to watch, although they move so fast it’s almost impossible to truly appreciate their magnificence.
Hummingbirds flap their wings at an incredible rate of speed, making them look more like a tiny blur of color than the beautiful birds they actually are. It’s often the noise made by their rapidly flapping wings that first catches our attention. The sound is a lot like that of a buzzing insect.
A hummingbird in motion is an aerial display that’s amazing to watch. Hummingbirds are able to fly in any direction… forward… backward… up… down… and sideways. If you’re lucky, you may even see a hummingbird hover in one spot as they feed on a flower’s nectar or take a midair break. That’s when you get the chance to really enjoy their exquisite beauty.
Because hummingbirds are almost constantly in motion, they must continually refuel their bodies. Each day, they consume twice their body weight in nectar, either from flowers or artificial solutions provided by us humans. Surprisingly, hummingbirds use their tiny tongues to lap up nectar. They also eat insects to get necessary proteins, fats and other nutritional elements not present in nectar.
If you would like to attract hummingbirds to your yard, the following tips may help.
Some helpful tips…
- Plant a garden that attracts hummingbirds. They favor brightly colored flowers with tubular blossoms. Vivid reds, pinks and oranges are particularly popular. Make sure to include plants that bloom at different times throughout the season to provide a steady supply of nectar.
- Invest in hummingbird feeders. There are many types of hummingbird feeders. Having a variety of styles positioned in different spots in your yard may help you attract the most visitors. Hang feeders in open areas where there’s enough space for your visitors to fly freely around them. Make sure there’s some shade in the area as well.
- Keep hummingbird feeders full and inviting. You can buy an instant nectar solution for hummingbirds or make your own with sugar and water. Simply combine one part sugar to four parts water and boil the mixture for just a minute or so. Do not allow the mixture to boil too long, because it will become stronger as more water evaporates. A solution that’s too strong can be bad for your little visitors’ health. Always allow the solution to cool before filling your feeders
- Keep hummingbird feeders clean. It’s important to thoroughly clean hummingbird feeders and change nectar at least two or three times a week, and even more frequently in hot weather. Dirty feeders and contaminated nectar can be fatal to hummingbirds.

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