Give Something New A Try!
One of the greatest benefits of getting older is feeling more comfortable in your own skin. Most of us spend a whole lot less time worrying about what other people may think of us than we did when we were younger. We are less self-conscious about our image and not quite so concerned about making a mistake here or there.
The seasoned years can be a perfect time to tackle some of the activities you may have wanted to try out in your earlier years, but never did because you were worried about looking silly or you simply didn’t have the time. Now that you’re older, you probably find yourself with fewer obligations and more time to fill.
There are plenty of new things out there to try that may enrich your life and fill you with feelings of accomplishment and pride. Growing older does not have to be a barrier to realizing an overlooked or abandoned passion or to discovering a new one. Our seasoned years can be all about making the most of life and stretching our limits a bit. It’s never too late to give something new a try
Here are just a few things that might interest you...
ART– How about painting, drawing, sculpting, or photography? If you’re a creative type, now is the time to let your inner artist out. Take a class or just experiment on your own.
THEATER – Becoming involved in the performing arts can be a whole lot of fun. Whether you join the actors under the spotlight, help out backstage with the scenery, take tickets, or work at the concession stand, there’s bound to be something you’d enjoy in the world of the preforming arts.
DANCE – Ballroom dancing is very popular these days with people of all ages. Take a class. You may find yourself entering an amateur competition before long. Lots of folks have taking up tap or jazz dancing later in life as well.
GARDENING – Even if you have never thought of yourself as having a “green thumb,” there’s something very rewarding about planting a garden and watching it come to life. Fortunately, there are all types of gardening tools available to help those of us with achy joints enjoy the experience.
FISHING – Fishing is a pastime like no other. It blends relaxation with exhilaration. Nothing is as relaxing as sitting by the water’s edge with your fishing pole while enjoying the beauty of nature, and nothing quite matches the anticipation and thrill of catching a fish. Of course, whether or not you “catch and release” or serve up fish and chips for dinner is up to you.
PHYSICAL FITNESS – There are exercise classes and walking/running clubs tailored to different ages and levels of ability. While some of us may still be able to participate in a 5 or 10K, others might find an armchair yoga class offers enough of a challenge. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else, just look for something that’s right for you. And always seek your doctor’s advice about what is appropriate for your physical abilities and health.

Age Adds Flavor
We are not old, we are seasoned!
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