Positive People Make Us Smile
Who makes you happy? Most of us know certain folks who always make us smile whenever we spend time with them. They have a positive influence on our lives. They raise our spirits, and we feel happier around them.
Plenty of research supports the belief that being around upbeat, positive thinking people really does boost feelings of well-being. Studies show that the opposite is true as well. Spending time with negative people affects our mood and outlook by bringing us down.
So, if you want to be happy, hang around the people who have a positive impact on your life. Try to spend as much time with folks who make you smile. Enjoy their company and soak up their positive influence.
A few qualities shared by many positive people…
- Positive people smile… a lot. They laugh and smile easily and often, and their happiness also shines through their eyes.
- Positive people are appreciative. They are thankful for and acknowledge the positive things in their lives, even the little things that may seem small or insignificant to some people.
- Positive people see the good in people. They do not focus on the negative things about a person. Instead, they look beyond the common faults many of us have and find the positives.
- Positive people build others up. They serve as a mirror reflecting other people’s value and worth. They build up our self-esteem and help us feel good about ourselves.
- Positive people do not hold grudges. Sure, positive people get angry and hurt and feel wronged. But they are willing to let bygones be bygones. They do not stew over disagreements and conflict. Instead, they move on.
- Positive people are helpful. They think about what the people in their lives may need. They do things for other people, because want to make life easier for others… because they really care.
- Positive people focus on right now. They do not spend an overabundant amount of time complaining about the past or worrying about the future. They enjoy the present moment.

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