Putting the "Grand" in Grandparenting
Grandparenting is about loving, nurturing, and creating a unique relationship that’s different than that of parent and child. It’s a bond like no other. You can create a deep, special connection with your grandchildren by sharing in their lives and the things that excite them, as well as by sharing your life and interests with them. As a grandparent, your mission is to love and enjoy your grandchildren.
Here are some tips that can help you make the most of the time you spend together.
A few useful suggestions when spending time with your grandkids...
- Take it easy together. Hang out, relax, and just plain enjoy each other’s company — without schedules or agendas.
- Be silly. Find things to do with your grandchildren that are pointless and are nothing but fun. Throw rocks in a pond. Have a whistling competition. Make a blanket fort in the living room.
- Share hobbies. Introduce your grandchildren to a pastime or hobby you enjoy. Perhaps gardening, golfing, knitting, or fishing. And, take an interest in something they enjoy — like trading cards, video games, or a favorite sport.
- Spend time outside together. Take nature walks or trips to the beach or park. Have a picnic in the backyard.
- Make a time capsule together to be opened in the future. Put in things that you both want to make sure to remember. You may even want to set a time for the capsule to be opened. Maybe in 5 years, 10 years, or even 20 years.
- Listen. Try not to monopolize conversations. Instead, let your grandchildren talk about what they’re thinking and feeling. Accept what they say without making any judgments or offering any unsolicited advice.

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