Tips for Playing Cupid for Family or Friends
Playing cupid or matchmaker for family or friends can be fun and rewarding, especially if romantic sparks fly. Helping two people find each other in this great big, hectic world is a wonderful thing to do for people you love and care about. You may be bringing together two people who are a perfect match but might never have found each other without your help. H
However, setting up people you know well can also be an iffy undertaking because romantic chemistry is very hard to predict. Remember… love takes its own path. If you’re considering playing matchmaker, think it through and tread a little carefully. You don’t want to do anything that might have a negative effect on your relationship with either person.
Here are some matchmaking suggestions…
- Ask for permission first. Never ambush anyone with an impromptu setup. Make sure those involved are genuinely okay with your plan. If they decline, accept the refusal graciously.
- Do not throw people together randomly or just because they’re both single. The only good reason for setting up two people is because you sincerely believe they would like and enjoy each other. Before making your first move, find out if they have similar interests and what each individual is looking for in a relationship.
- Be completely honest. When describing each person to the other, full disclosure is essential. Talk about what a person is really like without trying to create an image that will appeal to the other person. If you don’t know someone that well, let the other person know. Also share photos if you have them.
- Avoid getting too involved. Once you‘ve introduced the couple, let things play out without further involvement on your part. It’s up to the couple to decide whether or not they want to pursue another meeting. Their first encounter may go extremely well or it may blow up in flames. Either way, the ball is in their court… not yours.
- Ditch any preconceived expectations. Just because you think two people are perfect for each other doesn’t mean they will feel the same way. Even though heartfelt, your enthusiasm and eagerness might be a bit overwhelming. You could end up putting extra pressure on the couple, and possibly doom a relationship before it has a chance to plant roots and grow.
- Do take failure personally. If the couple doesn’t click, do not feel responsible. You tried, and your intentions were good. It may just so happen that Cupid’s arrow misses the mark. Shrug your shoulders, and let it go. Maybe next time.

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