Tips to Help Manage Stress
At one point or another, everyone feels stressed out or anxious. Certain levels of stress are part of daily life. No one is immune. But prolonged feelings of stress can be harmful to both our physical and mental health. Since it can be difficult to simply turn off stress and anxiety on demand, it’s important to find ways to cope with stress in an effective way.
Of course, if the pressures of life become increasingly hard to cope with or stress seems to be taking over your life, it’s vital to seek help. Speak with your doctor, because help is available.
Here are few things you can try to help with managing nonthreatening levels of stress.
A few helpful tips...
- Accept things you can’t control. Certain situations that cause stress are beyond our control, but we can control how we react to them.
- Avoid avoidance. It can sometimes seem easier to avoid unpleasant circumstances than to face them head on, but you will probably feel better a lot faster by dealing with a problem that won’t go away.
- Make sure to get enough sleep, eat right and get enough exercise.
- Talk about your feelings with supportive friends and family. Just getting your feelings out into the open can be very helpful.
- Find ways to engage with other people, such as volunteering, starting a book club, or joining an organization.
- Practice relaxation techniques, like guided meditation, breathing exercises, imagery, yoga, etc.
- Occupy your mind. Give you thoughts a break by watching a favorite movie, read a good book, listening to music, etc.
- Get creative. Busy your mind with activities that take creativity and vision. Try writing in a journal or drawing in a sketch book.
- Do something different. Find a new hobby, skill, or activity you might enjoy.
- Slowly count to 10 when something makes you feel anxious. Counting takes concentration, and it’s also calming.

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