Mystery TV Show Solution

Room 222
The Emmy Award-winning show “Room 222” ran from 1969 to 1974. For its last few seasons, it was sandwiched between “The Partridge Family” and the “The Odd Couple” on Friday nights.
The show was set in a fictional California high school and focused mainly on one particular classroom… Room 222. That’s where Pete Dixon taught history. Mr. Dixon was a compassionate teacher with high ideals who also taught important life lessons to students who loved and admired him. The character was played by African America actor Lloyd Haynes at a time when there were few lead roles for people of color.
Most episodes of “Room 22” shared a message significant to the era, very often related to concepts like tolerance and open-mindedness as well as issues like prejudice and drug abuse.
Do you recall the other key characters in the show?
There was guidance counselor Liz McIntyre (played by Denise Nicholas) who also happened to be Mr. Dixon’s girlfriend. There was the dryly sarcastic school principal named Seymour Kaufman (played by Michael Constantine). And the adorable and very enthusiastic student teacher Alice Johnson (played by Karen Valentine).
A multi-racial student body rounded out the cast. Many of the students were played by regulars who appeared in most episodes.

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