Games for baby boomers and seniors
Game Page
All New Fun for December
In the age of the Internet, an almost unlimited amount of information is available at our fingertips. But challenging ourselves with games or puzzles that require us to use our own brains involves active thinking and stimulates memory. Keeping the brain active is not only fun, it has been proven to foster positive and healthy aging. Use the answer buttons below to find out if you have solved the puzzles! If you would like us to let you know when new games are posted on our website, send us an email at [email protected] with “game update” in the subject line.
Find Opposites
Come up with a word that means the opposite of the word provided. The first letter of each answer is supplied.
* Use arrows for solutions.
Parallel Puzzlers
A relationship is described and you must find the missing word that will form a similar relationship. For example, the answer to “fingers are to snapping as hands are to…” is “clapping.”
* Use arrows for solutions.
Words Within
A word is hidden in a sentence that is also a description of the answer. For example: The answer to “The monarch at Buckingham Palace” is “KING.” (The monarch at BucKINGham Palace.)
* Use arrows for solutions.
MEOW – What a hoMEOWner hears if her cat is unhappy
ANKLE – A sometimes thANKLEss part of the leg
RAGE – Intense anger can lead to tRAGEdy
YES – Desired affirmative response when asked if my purple eYE Shadow looks okay
ASSET – A confession on a tape cASSETte is a thing of value in court
TUNA – A popular sandwich is made of this unforTUNAte fish
STING – A bee’s action that leaves a laSTING impression
IRON – A metal found in the envIRONment
Age Adds Flavor
We are not old, we are seasoned!
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