Getting Rid of Hiccups
We’ve all experienced a bout of hiccups now and then. Hiccups seem to occur out of nowhere, often without warning. Often at the most inconvenient times and in the most public places.
Of course, hiccups do appear to happen more frequently at certain times, like when drinking carbonated beverages, eating too much, or eating too fast. Excitement, stress, and anxiety can also initiate hiccups.
Hiccups are usually triggered when the diaphragm becomes irritated and starts to spasm. Thankfully, hiccups are rarely a health concern and usually stop within just a few minutes. If you experience a severe case of hiccups that interferes with eating, breathing, or sleeping or a bout that lasts longer than usual, it’s wise to seek medical attention. There are rare cases when hiccups may signal a more serious medical problem.
The best way to remedy a case of hiccups is by disrupting the breathing pattern involved in hiccupping. We’ve all heard about various remedies for curing hiccups. It’s always a good idea to ask for your doctor’s opinion about any unusual tips you come across.
A few popular hiccup remedies…
- Have a drink of water. Try taking small sips of water quickly one right after another. Another trick involves covering your glass with a paper towel so you have to suck the water through the paper towel.
- Eat something that takes a little effort. Try eating a substance like peanut butter or dry powdered cocoa that doesn’t easily glide down the throat. You can drink something to help it down.
- Try a drizzle of honey. Water down a little bit of honey and swallow it slowly so you feel it tickle its way down your throat.
- Take a deep breath and hold it. Try to keep the breath in for a few seconds before letting it out. If that doesn’t work, try taking a few sips of water while holding your breath.
- Stick out your tongue. Sticking out your tongue may look rude, but it can have the desired impact on hiccups. If it doesn’t work, try pulling on your tongue a little bit.
- Be startled. Everyone has heard this one. Have someone surprise you when you don’t expect it. Make sure you’re just startled, NOT frightened to the point where you’re shocked or alarmed. It’s the intake of breath when you’re startled that quells hiccups.
- Relax. Try the complete opposite of being startled. Sit or lie down. Take a slow deep breath, hold it in for a few seconds, and exhale slowly. Repeat.

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