Remember the Lava Lamp?

Create Your Own!

Lava lamps first became “all the rage” back in the “psychedelic” ‘60s. And, although their popularity may have waned a bit, lava lamps been around ever since.

Lava lamps have never cast much light. They are known more for the relaxing atmosphere they create and for being mesmerizing and entrancing to watch. It never takes long at all to become hypnotized by a lava lamp’s colors and shapes as they fragment, quiver, and travel.

You can buy lava lamps today, but it can be even more fun to make your own. The magic behind the lava lamp is pretty simple to reproduce. It’s all based on the simple fact that oil and water don’t mix. To create the same magic, all you need are a few ingredients you may already have on hand.

To create your own lava lamp, just follow the recipe below.

Lava Lamp Recipe


A clean, empty, transparent water bottle or Mason jar

Cooking oil


Food coloring

Alka-Seltzer™ or similar antacid tablets

Flash light


  • Fill ¾ of your bottle or jar with vegetable oil. Then fill the rest of the bottle or jar with water. Do not mix.

  • Add several drops of food coloring until the water becomes a dark shade of the color.

  • Cut an Alka-Seltzer™ (or similar) tablet into about eight small pieces.

  • Drop one small piece of Alka-Seltzer™ into your bottle or jar. In a moment, you’ll see the mixture start bubbling and moving.

  • Shine your flashlight through the bottle from behind and watch the magic happen.

  • When the bubbling stops, just drop in another small piece of Alka-Seltzer™ and the show will begin again.

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