Why Am I Always So Tired?
If you’re getting plenty of sleep at night but still seem to drag through the day, it may be time to take a look for reasons why you’re feeling so exhausted. First and foremost, it’s important to talk with your doctor to find out if a medical condition or medication may be causing your fatigue.
Although there are some serious concerns that may cause fatigue as we get older, a medical condition is not always to blame. Sometimes the problem has to do with habits, lifestyle, or the events going on in your life. It could easily be something that’s controllable and preventable that’s stealing your energy and leaving you feeling tired or sluggish most of the time.
A few common energy sappers…
For many people, having something to do or look forward to is motivating and exhilarating. Sitting around doing nothing may sound relaxing, but that may not be true for everyone. Find things to occupy your time and mind and you might find you feel revitalized.
You may be consuming plenty of food, but what you’re eating may not be fueling your body with enough nutrition to keep you energized and wide awake. Make sure to eat a well-balanced diet. According to the USDA, vegetables and fruits should make up ½ of your meal plate while whole grains make up ¼ of the plate and protein makes up ¼ of the plate. Speak with your doctor about your personal nutrition needs.
You have heard it many times… “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” As you sleep at night, the food you ate the previous day continues to be used to support your body’s functions. You need to refuel each morning to prepare your body for the day ahead.
Research shows that even mild dehydration can cause feelings of fatigue, as well as moodiness, headaches, and other issues. Dehydration happens when your body is losing more water than it is taking in. Make sure to drink plenty of water and other fluids. Many tasty foods also provide plenty of fluid, such as fruits, vegetables, juices, gelatins, yogurt, and sorbet.
Fatigue can be a side effect of many medications, including some prescription drugs that are vital to our health. Talk with your doctor about all the medications you are taking, including over-the-counter and prescription medications. Sometimes, replacing a medication or simply changing a dosage can have a significant impact of your energy levels.
Relocating is draining in many ways, physically and emotionally. It is important to be realistic about limiting the amount of physical labor and exertion involved in any move. It is also important to be conscious of the emotional and social implications of leaving the place you have called “home” for a long time. Try to make your new place feel and look as much like “home” as possible. Stay in touch with loved ones and friends. Find things to do and people to get to know in your new environment.
Family is a big part of life, and changes in your family often affect your life. When babies are born into your family, you may become a lot more physically active than usual as you try to keep up with the little ones as they grow. Look for sensible ways to be involved in a child’s life that are well suited to your abilities. The death of a family member also changes our lives. When a loved one passes away, the grief you experience can be a very heavy and draining load to carry. Talk with your doctor if your grief feels overwhelming and/or is making it difficult for you to function.

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